

So I saw this awesome video on Veritasium’s channel today and was totally fascinated by the different techniques used by the MicroMouse competition winners to make you solve this simple yet awesome problem. It got me thinking, can I implement this game in a language I’m not that good in, c++?.

The Game

The Game is as follows:

  • You have an unknown maze that is revealed at the start
  • You cannot have any device other than the mouse, no Iot allowed.
  • You have some time beforehand for the mouse to calibrate and look at the maze
  • Then it has to solve the maze and go as quickly as possible to the finish point

Awesome Solutions

  1. Using the Flood fill algorithm to find the quickest path ASAP.
  2. Having the ability to move across corners with diagonals so as to skip the turning motion time.
  3. Making the mouse as smoothly as possible towards the goal.

What I’m gonna do

I have decided to make a maze generator and an api for it to be accessed by a file. This file will have the mouse class, and info provided by the api will be its inputs, and hence the mouse will have to solve the maze.


  1. Make a maze generator
  2. Give the mouse a way to receive suitable inputs from the mouse (like gym)
  3. Give the mouse feedback if it hit a wall or stuff

Lets Try to do this.